題目:A novel motility, Mycoplasma gliding
日本大阪市立大學理學研究部生物學科細胞機能研究室Makoto Miyata(宮田真人)教授是國際知名的支原體研究專家,從事肺炎支原體和滑動支原體的研究,1997年開始關注滑動支原體Mycoplasma mobile(一種寄生在魚鰓上的病原體)的運動機制,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種新的細胞運動機制,并經實驗證實,生物體內利用和儲存能量的核心物質三磷酸腺苷(ATP)能使已被殺滅的致病支原體“起死回生”。這一結果首次表明,原核生物可能也以ATP為運動能源,這篇報道發(fā)表在2005年PNAS(美國科學院學報)上,并且成為該期的封面文章。文章指出,如果能“切斷”支原體的能源供應,就有可能更加安全有效地治療支原體肺炎等疾病。Makoto Miyata教授的研究團隊近年來利用多學科交叉的研究手段和技術(包括微生物學,分子生物學,生物化學,生物物理學,數(shù)學等)開展滑動支原體獨特運動機制的研究,建立了揭示其運動機制的模型。到目前為止,與傳統(tǒng)運動馬達和細菌鞭毛等運動機制相比,支原體的滑動機制闡述得最為清楚,這些成果分別發(fā)表在Journal of Bacteriology、Annual Review of Microbiology、Trends in Microbiolog、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS)、Cell Motility等國際知名期刊和書籍,在國際細菌和細胞運動研究領域有重要的學術地位和影響。
l???????? Makoto Miyata教授實驗室網(wǎng)站:http://www.sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~miyata/myco1.htm
l???????? Publication list:http://www.sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~miyata/achieves/achieve2.htm
??? 江蘇省水生甲殼動物病害重點實驗室
A novel motility, Mycoplasma gliding
Makoto Miyata
Department of Biology,
Mycoplasma pneumonia, epidemic over the world in this winter is caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae.? Mycoplasma is a group of pathogenic bacteria which form membrane protrusion at a cell pole.? They bind to solid surfaces including animal cells and glass with the protrusion, and glide. ?Although the gliding is fast and smooth, the mechanism is not related to the known bacterial motility systems such as flagella pili, or conventional motor proteins such as myosin.?
We have studied mainly on the fastest species, Mycoplasma mobile, which glides with 4 micron per s, i.e. 6 times of cell length on glass, focusing on the following subjects: (i) Gliding machinery including supporting structure, (ii) Component proteins of machinery, (iii) Measurements of force, wobble and steps, (iv) Direct energy source and its coupling to cycle, and (v) Binding target as the rail on solid surface. Based on these observations, we proposed a working model. The gliding machinery is composed of four huge proteins at the base of membrane protrusion and supported by a cytoskeletal architecture from the cell inside. Many flexible legs about 50 nm long are sticking out from the machinery. The movements generated by ATP hydrolysis inside cell transmits to leg protein through crank protein, resulting in the repeated catching, pulling, and releasing of the sialic acids fixed on the surface by the legs.
Mycoplasma, a group of pathogenic bacteria is known as a cause of human pneumonia which is epidemic over the world in this winter. Mycoplasmas form a membrane protrusion at a pole and glide on the host cell surface by a unique mechanism.? Although the gliding motility is involved in parasitism, its mechanism had not been studied until 1997.
Prof. Miyata started to study Mycoplasma gliding, mainly focusing on the fastest species, Mycoplasma mobile.? Miyata and his collaborators incorporated many view points to their study, including, microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, mathematics etc, and then provided a working model to explain the mechanism. Now, Mycoplasma gliding is one of the most well elucidated motility other than conventional motor proteins and bacterial flagella.
1.??????? Nakane D and Miyata M (2012) Mycoplasma mobile cells elongated by detergent and their pivoting movements in gliding. Journal of Bacteriology. 194, 122