(www.mutationdetection.org, 2007.9.23-27, 廈門)
經(jīng)國家教育部批準,由國際人類基因組組織(HUGO)下屬的人類基因組突變協(xié)會(Human Genome Variation Society)主辦,廈門大學和廈門市科技局聯(lián)合承辦的“第九屆HUGO人類基因組突變國際研討會”定于2007年9月23日至27日在廈門國際會展中心酒店召開。這次是該久負盛名的會議首次在亞洲國家舉行。
國際人類基因組突變協(xié)會主席Richard G. H. Cotton教授為本屆研討會主席,會議設(shè)大會報告和報展兩種形式,同時將設(shè)公司相關(guān)展覽,會議語言為英語。歡迎所有相關(guān)研究領(lǐng)域的學者、研究生、公司高層研發(fā)人員參加會議。
??? 1.???? Rapid nucleic acid detection using smart microfluidic-microarray compact disks. Michael Bergeron, Professor and Head of
??? 2.???? Human genome variation databases. Richard Cotton, Professor and Head of the Genomic Disorders Research Centre/Treasurer of
??? 3.???? Molecular Inversion Probes. Wenzhong Xiao, Research Associate, Department of
??? 4.???? Pathogenic or Not? & Software. Johan den Dunnen, Department of Human and Clinical Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, NETHERLAND.
??? 5.???? Copy Number Variation. Evan Eichler, Associate Professor of Genome Sciences at the University of
??? 6.???? Forensics DNA Print Genomics. Tony Frudakis, President and Chief Executive Officer of GAFF Biologic,
??? 7.???? Mass Spectrum Applications in genotyping. Ivo Gut, Team leader of SNP genotyping, The Centre National de Génotypage, France.
??? 8.???? Complex Disorders & Molecular Methods. Pui-Yan Kwok, Professor of Dermatology/Henry Bachrach Distinguished Professor of Cardiovascular Genetics in Cardiovascular Research Institute,
??? 9.???? Real-time PAP for somatic mutation detection. Qingge Li, Professor of Molecular Diagnostics,
?10.???? Fetal nucleic acids in maternal plasma. Denis YM Lo, Li Ka Shing Professor of Chemical Pathology,
?11.???? High-throughput genetic variation detection based on the arrayed DNA samples. Zuhong Lu, Li Ka Shing Professor and Director of the State key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, Southeastern University,
?12.???? High Throughput Genotyping. Yusuke Nakamura, Professor and Director of
?13.???? DNA Analysis at a single molecule level. Mats Nilsson, Associate Professor, Department of Genetics and Pathology of Rudbeck Laboratory,
?14.???? Allelic Imbalance in Gene Expression.
?15.???? 454 Applications. Stephan Schuster, Associate Professor in
?16.???? Genotyping technology and application to complex disease. Ann-Christine Syv?nen, Professor in Molecular Medicine, Research Department of Medical Sciences of
?17.???? DNA Conductivity. Nongjian Tao, Professor of electrical engineering and affiliated professor of chemistry and biochemistry of Arizona State University,
?18.???? Quantum Dot Sensors. Jeff Tza-Huei Wang, Assistant Professor of Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering in Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Institute, USA.
?19.???? Systematics of Genomes: Beyond Phylogeny. Jun Yu, Professor in
IXth International Symposium on Mutations in the Genome
個人信息: *先生??? ??女士??? ??博士??? ??教授??? ??其他,請注明: ???????????? *姓????? *名????? 職務(wù)???????????? 部門?????????????????????????????? *單位???????????????????????????? *地址?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? *電話?????????????????? 傳真??????????????????? *電郵:??????????????? ? 注冊費用: 一般代表:4000元,學術(shù)界代表:2565元(學生代表2000元,差額部分系會議資助) 陪伴人員(非注冊):1925元 (僅含餐飲及旅游活動) ? 住宿安排(廈門國際會展中心酒店為五星級,參會代表也可自行聯(lián)系住宿): 市景房: 580元(含早餐) ?????單人間????? 兩人間????? 海景房: 750 元(含早餐) ????單人間????? 兩人間????? 入住日期:??? 月??? 日??? 離開日期:??? 月??? 日 總住宿費:????? ? ? 總支付費用(包含注冊費及食宿費):RMB????? ? 費用支付方式: 開戶名稱:廈門大學 ?????????開戶銀行:工行廈門市分行廈大支行 帳號:4100021709024904620 (注意:請注明第九屆HUGO研討會,并將該表連同收據(jù)傳真到:0592-2187363) |
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